Thursday, August 23, 2007

Just another day!

Hallelujah! It is raining cats and dogs! Woohoo! You will have to forgive my excitement as it has been very dry as of late. My tomato plants and others have just been about to die! Well enough about the rain. This is a very fuzzy picture of Katy with the fried catfish and hushpuppies that we had for our supper. She wanted to know when we were eating if her PawPaw Tony had caught them . I told her no that we had bought them at the store. She said " Mommy, we don't get fish at the store, we catch them. " I tend to agree with her. I also enjoy fresh fish but , these were actually pretty good. Well the supper has been cooked, dishes washed, 10 books read, and child bathed. I now can sit down and relax.....maybe. Sorry I've nothing terribly exciting to relate but, this is my typical day. The only books I could recommend at the moment or put on a list would be "There's a wocket in my pocket", "Pooh's grand adventure", or my personal favorite" Are you my mother?" Those are a few that Katy is stuck on these days. Oh well....I will close for now since my husband just came in from work and I would very much like to spend some time with him. Tootles for now....


Kimberly said...

That looks like really good eating!! And the books sound very inspirational , as well!:) Rain can be a good thing...but thank goodness for no hurricanes here this summer..yet!!!....
Love to all...esp. Starbucks fan Aunt Ruby:)

Liz said...

Gotta love those "FRAP-puccinos" Ha!

Anita Marie said...

Hello Liz,

I don't think you know me or will even remember me. But, I wanted to make contact with you and Phil. Phil and I were in a lot of Missions classes at HSBC. We also did a few murals for the Mission conferences. Anyway...I wanted to shout hello across the pond from England. And please tell Phil it looks like I'm getting back into doing murals. This time it will be for mostly nurseries, play rooms and such.

The Dickinsons said...

Looking good....and sounds delicious! You made a yummy supper! Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog. OK...I WANT SOME OF THOSE DELICIOUS S.C. peaches...could you email me some?!! =D We have such wonderful memories from our 2 Great years living there in S.C.!

Love, Heather =)

J Luck said...

Liz, Hello!

Oh how good to be back in touch! I'll definitely be reading your blog.

I'm so sorry to know of your loss, I trust that you are healing ok. It is so difficult.

Oh this is going to be fun, I have some pretty great memories with you guys!

MELODY said...

Hello cousin Liz
Great you now have a blog and we can watch your daughter grow up. We miss you in La amd your mom and grandma. Tell everyone hello and I send my love. Now we have to get your mom a blog. Don't forget to visit my blog soon.
I will visit again soon.

Marty said...

We got a few drops of that rain the other didn't last long enough...only long enough to loose power at the hospital and be on generator for a few hours...Can anyone say...I CAN'T BREATHE!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Liz,
One link leads to another and I found yours :) I know exactly what you mean about the "10 books later! :) But, at least we are helping them "grow" an imagination and actually thinking for themselves! Take care!

Liz said... can keep in touch now!