Saturday, October 13, 2007

A Day Well Spent....

Okay today I neglected doing the normal Saturday routine of cleaning the house and spent it only entertaining and indulging in the wants and wishes of my daughter. I know that sounds like I spoiled her but no...I didn't. We started the day with breakfast and moved on to reading some books. We then decided to bake some homemade cupcakes. I found a recipe for Vanilla cupcakes with butter cream frosting online and we went to building them. This and any other cooking activity is right up Katy's alley of course. I too love to cook so she must get it from me. Who knows? While the cupcakes were baking we went and started on a craft that I also found on the internet. Speaking of finding crafts on the net...for you moms who home school, there is a wealth of resources for homeschooling online. I found them by simply searching for coloring pages, crafts and so on. There are activities for every grade and age group: Math, reading, phonics and scripture verse activities also. Just thought I would give that little tidbit although most of you probably were already aware of that. I found a craft that was a little difficult for a 3 year old but she enjoyed helping all she could. It was called leaf wreath. It is made from a paper plate, multi-colored construction paper, glue and some leaf templates that I printed(unless you are artistic enough to draw your own) Katy enjoyed helping me glue on the leafs. I busied her with a coloring activity while I did the hard parts and she watched. She really enjoyed it and it turned out very nice. We work on some activity everyday from letter tracing and matching shapes to greater than and less than. It takes time for her to grasp some things but hey...we have lots of it, and I am in no means trying to rush her. I am just trying to give her days some structure beyond playing with toys and watching the occasional video. She enjoys it and it tires her out. After we did our craft and got the cupcakes out to cool, we built a leaning tower of "POP-ONs". These are some building toys that pop together at the ends that she really enjoys playing with. We then went and made the icing and decorated the cupcakes with icing and sprinkles! Katy loves to do this although it does tend to get messy! I didn't even take any pictures of the cupcake making. It was so cute. We then went and sat out on our porch and played with dolls and doll clothes. We played until dark and then I slaved in the kitchen for 2 minutes by making a call to Papa John's and ordering pizza for our supper. I know it isn't very domestic but we enjoy getting pizza delivered every once and a while! We enjoyed it and a cupcake, took a bath and read more books...Whew! I am ready to relax a have an adult conversation. Anyone out there know how I feel? ha! I am sure someone does. Anyway...I know it wasn't a terribly exciting post but tis a day in the life of me! Thanks for tuning in! Tootles.....
Oh..I also included a couple fall decoration pictures in this post because....well it just seemed like the thing to do!


kayla said...

It sounds like a day that Katy will remember for a long time. Thanks for sharing. Love the song!

Queen Essie said...

Wow, I am so impressed with you! Have you been taking lessons from Martha Stewart recently?! HA HA Only joking, of course - what a great day of fun! Making memories that will last a lifetime - I agree, it's not spoiling, it's enjoying the time that is so short! Luv ya, girl!

Andrea said...

That is great!! I have been thinking it is time for Katrina and I to do some baking again - she LOVES being in the kitchen!! She really loves "washing" the dishes too! LOL
You are a good Mom, Liz!!

Florida Bozone Bunch said...

Your day was well spent. I remember my mom playing with us and I enjoyed it so much. The song was great. I have been reading a great book that emphasizes asking God how to spend your day instead of making the day your own agenda. It sounds like you had someone very special on your list this particular day.

MELODY said...

Ok you said you miss me when I didn't blog for awhile. You haven't been here for a week at least. I finally got to meet Nicks family over the weekend at our Farmers Day Fair. The kids are so cute and his wife is nice. He said he just sent you some new photos so hurry and put them on your blog. Love your song! Luv ya, Melody