Monday, October 8, 2007

7 Random Facts................

Okay so I finally got tagged! And here goes with the randoms facts and such. I am not sure how many people to tag but beings that almost everyone whose blog I read has been tagged I am only tagging my Cindy(my sis in law), and Esther.
1. I was diagnosed with a "freakishly" bad case of Viral Spinal Meningitis and was hospitalized at Martin Memorial South when we moved to Florida 6 years ago. We had just moved there 2 weeks prior and were not even settled. I had all of the horrid symptoms: High fever, rash, and neck and head pain! This of course was only diagnosed after seven attempts at a spinal tap! Needless to say I was in tears and misery and if it weren't for my dear cuz Nellerena and my wonderful friend Ruthie Vernon to aide me with everyday things afterwards I am not sure how I would have gotten through!
2. My husband and I dated for seven years prior to marriage! He was mercilessly picked upon for not asking me to marry sooner but I think it all worked out according to God's will and that it was the perfect timing for our marriage!
3. I once passed out in the girls dorm one year at Hobe Sound at Country Fun Day! I had been grilling hamburgers all day in the Florida heat and was dehydrated apparently. I tried to make it to the dorm restrooms to get water and cool off but woke up instead with Mrs. Addison standing over me with water! I was very embarrassed!
4. I love sushi! It is one of my favorite foods and I eat it whenever I can although it isn't often being that it is so expensive.
5. I was first saved at Pell City youth camp in Pell City Alabama at the age of 13. Brother Grimillion was the evangelist and the theme that year was " I'll say Yes Lord Yes!"
6. I am terribly, horribly PHOBIC of mice! I can't stand to even watch a movie with them in it! My husband feeds them to the snake that he owns and I don' t even like to ride in the car when he buys them!YUCK!
7. I am proud to say that I was the only one out of a class of 30 nurses at an orientation for Christ Hospital in Cincy to score a 100% on a Pharmacology/ math for nurses exam when i worked there at one time. I was also the only LPN ..the rest were RNs. Not bragging or anything! Ha!


kayla said...

Okay, I still don't understand how you can sleep in the same room as the snake and still be afraid to ride in the car with a mouse. It was a serpent who decieved Eve, not a mouse.
I also still don't understand the Sushi thing. Their is a new restauant here now called "Sexy Sushi". Go figure.
Glad you got tagged.
Love ya.

Liz said...

Kayla....Sexy Sushi huh? Hmm... I know it doesn't make since about the snake and mouse, but we also have a huge black snake that lives in our yard and it is great comfort to me for it kills mice. I also enjoy the cat's mice killing abilities! Thanks for the comment.

Queen Essie said...

Thanks alot for the tag - I will find some way to repay the favor!

Liked Kayla's comment about the snake/mouse issue - very funny!

I have yet to get up the nerve to try Sushi - don't think it's for me, but won't totally rule it out since I have yet to give it a try!

Kimberly said...

Fun go w/that score!:)
Love Ya!

MELODY said...

Liz, i love the pics of Uncle Carl and Aunt Ruby. I teared up thinking of all the great times we had growing up with such a man as your paw paw. Tell Aunt ruby and your mom hello.
I am phobic about spiders but mice and snakes i can handle pretty well unless my husbands around then he hates snakes. I am glad I have all boys because they pick up the spiders and remove them from my sight, Yuck!

MELODY said...

I for got sushi? yuck! i have tried it several different ways and can't seem to get a taste for it unless its a bad taste. lol

Florida Bozone Bunch said...

I enjoyed your comment on my blog. I never said that I would eat the lizards. Maybe if they were battered and cooked, the kids would think they were fish sticks. Enough about lizards--let's talk mice. I have a story on your husband. I was traveling with G.B.S. quartet when he was a young teenager. We were at Pell City and his family shared the same building as our group. We were shocked to see that there was a mouse in the living area. I told the guys in the quartet to please kill it. They were real heroes and took care of the problem. When Phil and his family returned, we found out that he had played with this critter, and if my memory serves me correctly, told us that he could get the mouse to sit on his chest. Maybe he was just trying to freak us out. The only thing I could think of at that point was that I was glad the mouse was dead. What if it had tried to sit on my chest in the middle of the night? I don't even want to think about that. Have a mouse-free day!

Andrea said...

Wow - you did good on all your facts; I feel like I know you lots better. However, there must be something alittle wrong with you :)LOL, since you'll allow a snake in your bedroom! Ugghhh!
Anyways! Glad you are back to blogging!

Liz said...

Okay I need to clarify something...I don't sleep with the snake in my bedroom. He is in the living room on top of the computer desk. I have had him in my room before and it doesn't bother me. My Daughter loves him. I didn't know that story about the mouse...I am sure he did get it to sit on his chest..I've seen him do those sorts of things before...thanks for sharing Sherilyn. The reason You thought I slept in the same room with the snake..(Andrea) is because Kayla said i did because she remembers in Hobe Sound when Phillip had his first snake that it was in our room!

The Dickinsons said...

I enjoyed reading your 7 things about yourself.

Great job on that score at Christ Hospital. =)

Liz, HOW IN THE WORLD can you allow Phillip to have a SNAKE in your home? UGH!!!! I get the hibbie gibbies just thinking about it. =) THAT IS LOVE for your man to let him have a snake. I don't think that my love would go that far. HA!

Thanks for your nice comments.

Love, Heather =)

Liz said...

Everyone is really going to think I am nuts but not only do I not mind the snake but I bought this one and brought it home to surprise him bc his other one died! Wow! I didn't realize out of all of my seven things that this one would get such a reaction.